Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hedda's Packin Heat (Significance of pistols?)

The significance of Hedda's pistols is the power and control she gets from them. When she offers Eilert her father's pistol to kill himself shows that Hedda has the manipulative power to influence decisions of others. The pistols could also be a way of relieving Hedda's stress because at the end of act 1 she starts shooting her pistols out of boredom. The pistols could be showing how insane Hedda is because no one regularly goes off and play with pistols for fun. Hedda is playing with her pistols in front of Brack which is dangerous and pretends to fire at him. I think Hedda's pistols have multiple significances to them.

1 comment:

Kayel16 said...

yes that is exactly what i think. i wrote basically the same thing in my own blogg