Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lysistrata Vs. Hedda Gabler & Bernarda Alba

Out of all three plays I would still have to say that the House of Bernarda Alba was still my favorite. It seemed like the only play that keep me interested through the whole read. Lysistrata was still a good play to me and I liked it better than Hedda because Hedda didn't have enough action to it. Hedda had a lot of unnecessary talking and lots of boring scenes and I prefer Lysistrata over Hedda because it was comical and you could find more action in here than in Hedda. I would also add that Lysistrata is the only character out of the three plays who has the most success because she unites Greece while Hedda kills herself and Bernarda losses a daughter.


Montrell said...

WOW.... Cant believe you chose "The House of Bernarda Alba" over "Lysistrata!!!" I mean it was humorous and it had many themes, motifs, and symbols. The puns is what really separated the plays from one another. Dont get me wrong, "The House of Bernarda Alba" was good and kept my attention/interest, but not to the extent Lysistrata did (Hedda Gabler is no where to be found LOL). But everyone has their own opinions, this is mine.

Aliyya said...

The House of Bernarda Alba was also my favorite play so far. I think that Lysistrata was the most successful in the plays. While we can argue that Adela got her desired freedom ,it was not in the expected, pleasureable way. Hedda was just weak and unable to control her life whereas Lysistrata succeeded in establishing peace in Greece!