Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lysistrata's Plan

Overall I think Lysistrata's plan was successful because the men were driven by sex and it eventually caused them to reach an agreement with the women. The hardest thing for Lysistrata was convincing the women to agree to remain abstinence. Lysistrata wants the women to step out of their stereotypical roles as women to help end the war in Greece. Lysistrata seems to be the only woman in the play who understands the big picture of her plan to end the war.


DEE-LESS said...

uhhh, not sure why u sumed up the whole play but ok, I guess its cool to review, i don't get it, is this like what your trying to see what she accomplish

Rashad Morris said...

I agree Mr scruggs. The women were kinda iffy at first. But after Lysistrata speech they knew that this plan would succeed. I guess you can say that they agreed because they care for their husbands...but hey...

nehemiah09 said...

yea Mr. Scruggs, I agree. because of lysistrata, the women overcame the men in a huge obstacle. this is something the men thought could never happen. since the women were determined, they came through to see success.