Sunday, October 26, 2008

(Act I) Hedda's treatment of others

I found that when Hedda first enters the scene she begins treating everyone as if they are lower than her. Hedda immediately complains that Berta has oppened a window when she comes downstairs and starts treating Aunt Juliana bad. Tesman tries to tell Hedda to be nicer to Aunt Juliana, I think this shows that he recognizes Hedda's rudeness, but refuses to acknowledge that Hedda is spoiled and treats him just as bad as Berta and Aunt Juliana.


DEE-LESS said...

Not even her husband, Geroge Tesman can control Hedda in Act one, in fact, he is being controlled, because he always is unsure of what to say, uh, hmm, etc.

nehemiah09 said...

I believe all of the people mentioned knows of how rude and obnoxious Bernarda is. Their problem is that they are not willing to step up to the wrath of Hedda and tell her off as they should be doing.